This cape towel is perfect for taking to the beach, lounging on by the pool, or simply for drying off after a shower after a long day of fighting crime! Featuring Wonder Woman's classic costume with iconic logo, it is a great addition to any Wonder Woman display.
Dimensions: Open 14 (w) x 41 (h) x 31 (d) cm/Rolled 10 (w) x 36 (h) x 9 (d) cm
Packaging: Wrap band
Composition: Cotton
Dimensions: Open 14 (w) x 41 (h) x 31 (d) cm/Rolled 10 (w) x 36 (h) x 9 (d) cm
Packaging: Wrap band
Composition: Cotton
Product Code: HbBNPgS
Product Condition: New

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This cape towel is perfect for taking to the beach, lounging on by the pool, or simply for drying off after a shower after a long day of fighting crime! Featuring Wonder Woman's classic costume with iconic logo, it is a great addition to any Wonder Woman display.
Dimensions: Open 14 (w) x 41 (h) x 31 (d) cm/Rolled 10 (w) x 36 (h) x 9 (d) cm
Packaging: Wrap band
Composition: Cotton
Dimensions: Open 14 (w) x 41 (h) x 31 (d) cm/Rolled 10 (w) x 36 (h) x 9 (d) cm
Packaging: Wrap band
Composition: Cotton
Product Code: HbBNPgS
Product Condition: New